Part I Origin of Vikings
Peter Klevius hypothesis (2005-06) on how Islamic slavery created the Vikings and the origin of Russia
Origin of footbinding
also compare Klevius hypothesis on how Siberia created modern humans
The page should preferably be considered within KLEVUX macro social understanding (of which sex segregation is a crucial concept)
Philosophy/AI: EMAH - the even more astonishing hypothesis
Anthropology: Demand for resources - on the right to be poor
Out of Africa as "pygmies" and back as global "mongoloids"
Sociology: Definition of religion
Definition of feminism/sex segregation
Definition of (negative) human rights
Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs. social state
History: Origin of Islam
Islam doesn't only support slavery but was itself, from start (first Islamic slaves were Arabs), the very essence of slavery. To understand the origin of Islam as Koranic slavery one has to understand the pre-Islamic trade routes going through the Arabian peninsula
The medieval expansion of Islam has been a forgotten analytical tool for most historians when it comes to historical dynamics such as e.g. Mongols, Vikings etc. But whereas the Mongol invasions were originally initiated as an "attacking defence" against Islamic invasions/atrocities, the Vikings started as slave traders serving Islam. The pattern could actually have been exactly the same as in Africa had it not been for a powerful Christianity in between (again, note that Klevius isn't a Christian nor even "religious" in any meaning resembling mideastern monolitheisms - see Klevius definition of religion).
In Goodbye to the Vikings? (2006) Richard Hodges (known from the "Islamic Origins" Institute) "re-reads" early Middle Age history from the distorted position as one more in a long row of populist re-readers with pro-Islamic intentions. This is perhaps why he misses entirely the whole point of Islamic slave trade as the basis not only for Islam itself but also for the understanding of Islam's influence in medieval Europe!
In one of his many popular science books archaeologist and associate professor Mats G. Larsson, allegedly interested in the Viking age, writes (1998) that in exchange for francian swords and "other goods" huge amounts of arabic coins began streaming in via Staraja Ladoga and Birka. Does this signal an enormous lack of scientific understanding or is it just pure political correctness (extremely deep and widespred in Swedish universities)?! The very fact that some swords are found there tells very little abt what was the real commerce abt. Especially considering "slave remains" are rare!
-The Islamic balancing of the proportion "infidels" and "muslims" in the wake of expansion
has to be understood in the light of Koranic Islam as a blueprint for slavery/rapetivism
Nine months after a forced or institutionalized rape a captured/traded slave girl had transformed from being a victim of sexual abuse/assault to a muslim mother and educator of her (Islam's) child(ren) under the sword of Sharia. From sexual plesure for the rapist patriarchs to a cultural fosterer of more of the same! That's the simple formula underlying Islam's "success" in conquest.
Islam proponents often brag that Islam doesn't use missionaries. Well da, you can't eat the cake and still have it, can you! This is why Islamic slave trade routes historically are actively rooted in "infidel" land. Of course, there were enough helpless slave girls etc available in most parts were the Islamic slave trader planted their nets/raids etc, but the tremendous expansion combined with the eagerness of scared people to convert to Islam for the sake of protection from Islam, constituted a real threat against Islam's economic base. Read more abt this on Origin of Islam.
Usually it's argued that it's unknown what triggered the Viking expansion. Historians have, for example, suggested technological innovations, positive climate change and due population growth.
Others have proposed the 785 destruction of the Frisian fleet by Charlemagne, as interrupting the flow of goods from Central Europe to Scandinavia, hence paving the way for Viking traders/raiders. Yet others emphasise centralisation of power in fewer hands in the aftermath of turmoil in Scandinavia. However, here it will be argued that none of the factors above, alone or combined, can even remotely compete with an explanation based on Islam's tremendous increase in slave trading during the advent of the Viking Age. The more one looks into it the more convincing the picture. So why hasn't it been offered before? The simple answer is that whereas white racists didn't like the image of Viking "heroes" killing defenceless white families and robbing their minor daughters (and some sons although these were often taken back to Sweden as 'trälar") and making a huge industry in selling them as sex slaves to Islam, today's racist/sexist pro-Islamists don't like it either!
In The Role of Migration in the History of the Eurasian Steppe (2000), when considering the causes of the Viking expansion, all attention is domestic and not a single word is offered towards external causes like the simple fact that new demands (Islamic slavery) signalled through old trade/raid routes (e.g. Russian river ways) may have considerable effects on even small communities if they are capable of delivering what is demanded. Perhaps Scandinavian fur traders just happened to have their wives/daughters with them (as we know the Vikings sometimes had) and someone (the Bolgars?) told them that similar, pretty slaves would mean big business with the muslims.
- Eurasian river-systems from nort to south and vice versa have been crucial, not only in the evolution/spreading of modern humans (also see Klevius anthropology blog) but also as extremely useful channels for trading/raiding.
- Viking boats were shallow-draught, light and perfect for light "cargo" that could walk by itself on difficult passages.
- From e.g. the Annals of Xanten we know that at least at one occasion in 837, in Walcheren, only females were abducted as slaves by the Vikings.
- Viking age emerged after the expansion of Islam.
- The Kazars stopped the Muslims in the east at the time when Charles Martel defeated them in the west (around 730).
- Viking age ended/transformed in conjuction with the decline of Islamic Cordoba, Abbasid etc and with the progression of empowered Christinity
- Koran/Islam clearly sanctions slavery (in fact, one may argue that Islam is institutionalized slavery/rapetivism).
- Muslims preferred white slave girls, i.e. these were the most valuable of all slaves (and, of course, both easy to handle and abuse during long journeys - I suggest reading Artur Lundkvist's well-informed novel Slavar för Särkland/i.e. someting like Slaves for Baghdad, 1978 - see exerpts below)..
- some 100.000 Arab/Islamic (mostly Abbasid) coins from the Viking age have been found in Sweden. A majority of them at Gotland in the Baltic sea, i.e on the island known for its 'russ' horses and a probable home harbour for Viking Rus, the "founder" of Russia (in fact he was asked to help the Russians against his fellow Viking looters).
- there was a huge increase in trade activity compared to pre-Viking age Scandinavia. Furthermore economic historians as well as historians of finance are beginning to agree that the trading of slaves connected to Islam has been greatly under-estimated.
- although slave taking/trading etc existed before, Islam made it a "religion"/"social state" (see Klevius Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state) /big business that the caliphates rested on.
- the Vikings were widely feared of in Europe but not in Arab/Islamic land..
- Viking slave trading stopped via Christianity and the creation of a feudal system, i.e. bridging to the so called Hansa period around the Baltic sea.
Koran 33:50: "Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty."
Ibn Sa'd in Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir: Muhammed liked Mariyah (a slave girl),who was of white complexion, with curly hair and pretty.
Concepts and possible facts
Some Finnish, Baltic and Russian researchers now argue that the eastern Viking slave route predated the western one. Note that the very word Viking is often poorly conceptualized in different writings. Klevius Viking concept is: The north-European product of a pronounced increase in slave trading that was caused by Islam's pronounced increase in demand for slaves, as well as elaborate channels (incl. Jews etc) for this trade..
- Varjager (the name given for the Eastbound Vikings (from around 850 - but note that Vikings were present in Russia before 750) possibly comes from the Finnic-Ugric word for thieve 'wargas" (Finnish 'varkas' or 'varas'). Also compare Swedish 'varg' wolf, and 'jägare' hunter (wolves hunt/loot as a pack don't they).
- Valkyrie may mean 'chosen at slaughter', i.e. girls taken captive when the rest in raided villages were killed or expelled
Klevius' hypothesis on the "Viking age"
The so called Viking age (8th to 11th century) was initiated by Islam's demand for white slave girls and was finished by Christianity/feudalism (a bias comment: Klevius has never been a Christian or even believer in any mideast "monolitheist religion"). People wanted protection from Viking raids which fact, together with the fact that Islam threatened Europe from opposite directions, paved the way for Christian missionary/fortifications. Interestingly eastbound and westbound Vikings met in Miklagård (Constantinople). Furthermore it seems that the long transition period from Viking "paganism" to Viking Christianity may be explained as a result of commercial.pragmatism and long distances.
Trafficking, slavery and rapetivism/sex segregation need to be morally justified. This is why Islam rests on the racist "infidel" concept. Furthermore, to avoid any criticism the concept is said to come from a god who can't be questioned because he is cut off from the earthly via Mohammed and his "interpretors"..
Islam as an idea to conquer and sponge on human capital not only rests on, but is the result of the conditions in a pre-Islamic world. So yes, slavery existed before Islam, as did trading and looting, wars etc. But the point here is that certain Arabs (who couldn't/didn't want to do anything else), started campaigning an elaborated system - KORAN/ISLAM - of sponging based on slavery and institutionalized rapetivism (the first been enslaved being poor nomad Arabs). As we do know, this led to a tremendous expansion along existing trade routes and, as a consequence, to a great demand for slaves (especially young girls) and a corresponding increase in commerce/finance due to the wealth of.silver/gold that the Islamists had robbed from Africa, Central-Asia etc. It might be worth mentioning that the reason why Islam is said to not have missionaires is the fear of "infidel" shortage! However, as shown by M. Gordon and others, Muslims have throughout history had no problems enslaving other Muslims.
The word "valkyrie" comes from the Old Norse valkyrja (plural "valkyrur"), from the words "val" (slaughter) and "kyrja" (to choose). Literally the term means choosers of the slain. Cognate forms include the Old English "wælcyrige" and the German "Walküre." If this interpretation is rewersed (and I see no reason why not - but if you know, please tell me on the blog) we get:'girl chosen from the slain! Of course this doesn't affect the hypothesis either way but its an appealing thread, and, at least, a good title for the already known change from malign (raven on slain corpses) to benign (beauty, pleasure, fertility etc) that is recorded at the beginning of the Viking age.
Note that the secondary meaning of the 'valkyries' as "after death compensation" may also have been strengthened by contacts to the Islamic story abt young gils waiting for sexually please the slain jihadists. Also note that the lack of Islamization of the Vikings may be related to the simple and pragmatic fact that the Vikings had to cross/deal with Christians and Jews on their way down (look at your Europe map and compare it with European history of the time!).
From Slavar för Särkland (Artur Lundqvist, 1978) excerpts summarized and translated by P. Klevius
p 173 Flocks of slaves on their way to the Baghdad caliphate which seemed never to get enough of them.
p 180 In Baghdad it's hard to disinguish between male and female hookers - but no one seems to care whether the front or rear hole should be utilized.
p 180.What they see in Baghdad annoys them. The miserable state of the people doesn't in any sense exclude pompousness and a behavior like the whole world belonged to them.
p 181 Even males sit down piing hence showing fat asses resembling unbaked dough. Fleshy and powerless bodies in an unhealthy sense with hanging bellies and jumping cheeks.
p 188 Slave trader: And this young girl isn't yet used at all, just check for yourself. She can give her master great pleasure now and later on when her body gets the female form.
p 189 Viking Ulving starts doubting his mission in this traffic. He hasn't really seen the full picture before now.
Klevius comment: Perhaps there's also something to consider for those who haven't, even today, seen (or blinked) the full (slave/rape)picture of Islam!
Klevius etymology: The ancient Persian word for god 'khoda' connects to Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland).
Note the river link from Bay of Finland to the Viking (Rus)-Arab trade center in Bulgar. Also note that Staraja Ladoga is est. at 750 (even earlier by some Finnish and Russian researchers) and that Vikings were using Volga down to Abbasid at least in the early 9th century, probably far earlier. Furthermore, because of the Avars the Djnepr route was more difficult up to around 800. Old trade routes to Bulgar Volga were intensified and more directed on slave girls than on fur when Islam announced its slave girl hunger (see Rapetivism and the origin of Islam) via the Bulgars. Here one also has to carefully consider the facts that 1) the northern areas were quite sparsely populated hence not allowing for great fleets, armies, economies etc from the beginning, 2) that existing types of boats and routes were utilized/optimized in congruence with the islamic slave demand 3) that white slave girls were extremely high in value among Abbasid muslims, as well as 4) easy to pick up along the Finnish, Baltic and Russian rivers. As a consequense of this lucrative raiiding/trading in small scale Viking groups a more influential Viking aristocracy emerged and merged with Slavs etc eventually ending up as great armies in other parts of Europe.
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